Cookie Policy

In these conditions, unless it is obvious that they have some other meaning, the words 'we', 'our' & 'us' refers to Sarum Asbestos.


This page contains information on what 'cookies' are, the cookies used by us, how to switch cookies off in your browser, how to specifically disable third party advertising cookies, and some useful links for further reading on the subject. If it does not provide the information you were looking for, or you have any further questions about our use of cookies, please email

What are 'cookies'?

Most websites (around 92% of all websites) use cookies which are small text files stored on your computer, these can then be used by websites for a variety of purposes, including login systems, storing shopping cart items, remembering preferences, tracking visitors and more.

How do we use cookies?

Our website uses a number of different cookies, these are:

  • Site performance cookies
  • Anonymous analytics cookies
  • Third party advertising cookies

Site performance cookies:

This type of cookie remembers your preferences for tools found on our website, so you don't have to re-set them each time you visit.

Anonymous analytics cookies:

Every time somebody visits our website, we use a piece web analytics software provided by a third party to generate an anonymous analytics cookie.

We can use these cookies to track how many unique users we have. They can also be used to find out where visitors are coming from, and what the most popular content is.

These cookies cannot be used to identify you as an individual; they are completely anonymous and are used for aggregate statistical purposes only.

Other third party cookies

On some pages of the our website, third parties may also set their own anonymous cookies, for the purposes of tracking the success of their application, or customising their application for you. Because of how cookies work, we cannot read or write to these cookies, nor can the third parties access the data in cookies used by us.

For example, when you share an article using a social media sharing button on the our website, the social network that has created the button will record that you have done this.

How do I turn cookies off?

All modern browsers allow you tochange your cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your chosen web browser. In order to understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, otherwise you should use the 'Help' option in your browser for more details.

If you are primarily concerned about third party cookies generated by advertisers, you can turn these off by going to the Your Online Choices site.

You can also visit the trade body representing these advertising platforms for more information: Network Advertising Initiative.

They have provided a one-stop place that gathers all of the opt-out controls.

If you would like to contact us about cookies please email us